So I went out sketching again this weekend (last weekend I didn't do so great: very rusty) Today was pretty fun.

The guy on the far right had a combover, but it's hard to tell in the drawing. When I tried to hit a highlight there, it just looked like I was making his hair look shiny, so I took it out. I have trouble representing a "good" combover...it just always looks like I can't draw hair. If anyone can point me to people who have done this well, please let me know. :-p
There were some fantastic noses that walked through the cafe today (with bodies attached, of course)

Ok, so the following isn't strictly a sketching observation here, and I know I'm making snap judgements...sue me. But I first spotted the guy on the far right at the cafe counter and thought he had the air of someone who tells long, dull stories about himself with the idea that the listener would find them fascinating (I realize that I'm setting myself up for comments about my lack of irony in making this statement) Anyway, I was thinking this, perhaps prejudiced by the combination of balding and long hair (a fashion DON'T) or perhaps it was the long suede jacket (please see previous post about old guys and leather).
Then the guy sat next to me, and I overheard (okay, eavesdropped) on his conversation with his companion. No kidding, he started talking about irritable bowel syndrome and gastro-intestinal distress. Then he asked his companion if she were so inflicted. Answer: no. He seemed surprised, and even a bit disappointed by her answer.
I disliked him immediately. But fortunately, this will be unlikely to affect his life or mine.